
QOS Foodhub

Feb 15 2022 14:53

We are delighted to announce the Queen of the South Community Trust are launching a local food provision. The Queens Food Hub will be launched around May, with the aim of ensuring everyone in our region who needs food has the opportunity to get it via the food hub. Food poverty has been key to the community initiatives and strategy of the Trust, highlighted by the Breakfast club which has succesfuly run for half a decade and a variety of holiday hunger camps. The food hub will operate very much as a free supermarket, with free choice to anyone who wishes to use the provision. As part of this initiative, there will be a number of different aspects, and we will be working with local partners to deliver cooking master classes, working with you, our fans, to support the stock of our foodhub as they have done over a number of years at our christmas collections. Using the football clubs brand and location to reach as many people as possible who need this provision and help them to feel comfortable coming to the club. We are striving to ensure we Engage, Evolve, Empower every single person who steps through our doors.

We will also be looking for volunteers to help make the foodhub a success, alongside our college students who will also be using this provision as part of their course.

Dan Armstrong said "I have always said this football club is more than just football, it has a role to play in our community, our work across health both physical and mental amongst a number of initiatives we aim to change lives of people in our community and this a further string to our bow which will be successful and allows us to improve people's lives."

A number of new projects are launching in the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled.

For more information on any of our community work please contact