Prices and Information for Tunnocks Caramel Wafer Cup Tie v Clyde

We have agreed the following prices with Clyde for next Saturday's Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Cup tie at Broadwood:

£10 Adults
£5 All Concessions

Only the Main Stand will be open for this fixture and both home and away supporters should enter via the Main Stand Turnstiles.

Clyde have also made their Arria Premium Lounge available to BOTH home and away supporters on Saturday. This allows pre-match drinks within the stadium. Entry to this lounge is included within your match entry but is on a first come, first served basis and must be booked in advance. If you wish to take advantage of entry to the Arria Premium Lounge it must be booked in advance via the Clyde FC website (see link below).

Booking Arria Premium Lounge